License and Certification

  • 12 June 2020
    HackerRank Problem Solving Exam (Basic)HackerRank

    Cleared HackerRank Assessment Exam in Java

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  • 9 June 2020
    HackerRank Java 1.8 Assessment Exam (Basic)HackerRank

    Cleared HackerRank Assessment Exam in Java

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  • 17th June 2020
    OCJA Java SE8Oracle USA

    Very first achievement of my life when i cleared Oracle exam which is Oracle Certified Java SE-8 .This is the badge which i get from Oracle Corporation thanks to Damien Carey (Oracle University Vice President)

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Course Completed

  • March 2021
    Java CB Crux Data Structure and AlgorithmsCoding Blocks

    Currently, I'm learning data structures and algorithms from Garima Chikkara mam and Rishabh Kapoor sir, they taught from the basics like an array, string to advanced concepts like Dynamic Programming, Trees, Graphs. I'm really glad that I take decision to learn DSA from coding blocks hope left of my journey with CB is also good

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  • October 2020
    Java Backend Development CourseGeeksforGeeks

    Learn about Spring Boot , Hibernate , Data JPA , Rediss , Kafak Thanks to Shashi sir and Saptarshi sir

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  • August 2019
    ACWD PROAptech Computer Education

    Completed my first course which is Aptech Certified Web Developer Pro in which i learn basic things like HTML , CSS , JS , Bootstrap , PHP and basics of Java

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